
Spring 2025 Tutoring Schedule 


All tutoring sessions are free to attend! 

CRLA International Tutor Training Program Certification (with Logo)

Sessions are facilitated by trained tutors who have typically taken the same course with the professor. Enrolled students can show up to any number of sessions—no prior registration or referral needed. Our program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). 

Contact Julissa Delgado, tutoring@86899805.com, or the tutor listed for the class with any questions).

CHMGen. ChemistryS, M, TH 7-9 pmWinter 212Sessions  managed  by Chem.dept.
 Organic ChemistryMon. 6:30-8:30 PMAdams 217Sessions  managed  by Chem.dept
 Analytical ChemistryTues. 7-8 pmAdams 219Sessions  managed  by Chem.dept
CS-010Design Wed. 6:30-8:30 pmCS LoungeLuke Hansen
CS 30Abstract Models Tues. 7-9 pm CS LoungeElias Leon
EB-003AccountingWed. 6-8:00 pmClark TPhil Heldwein
HIS -10Perspectives (Keaney)Thurs. 7-9pmLibrary 204Cameron Richards
**MA-005Statistics Wed. 7-9:00 pm
**Sign up with tutor
VK Lower LoungeDarian Choi
MA- 010Calculus IIWed. 7-9 pmWinter 212Alissa Davis
RS 001 Old Testament (Richter)Tues. 4:30-6:30 pmLibrary 216Jon Kratzberg
RS- 010New Testament (Reeder)Tues. 6-8pmLibrary 203Kylie Carter
RS-010New Testament (Beers)Tues. 7-9 pmLibrary 204Annie West